Kabbalah and Physics

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Kabbalah and Physics 5/25/02

Dr. Drob:


I've read both your book on the new Kabbalah and I was impressed. I've read over 50 books on kabbalah and I have to rate yours at the top. I am a mathematical physicist; I teach math and physics at Cal State Dominguez Hills (the smallest of the4 CSU in L.A. county), my bachelor's degree is in physics and my PhD in math. I do research on my own version of a unified field theory, which is closer to what Einstein envisioned than are the current fads. I am writing a book "God is the Unified Field and Einstein is the Prophet." I've found a lot of similarities between Einstein and Kabbalah. While I know that Pauli studied kabbalah, I have found nothing about Einstein's studies. I do know that he endorsed the view of God expressed in "The Soul of the Universe" by Gustaf Stromberg, which is a modern interpretation of the view of Spinoza.


I've been a student of mysticism in general since 1973 and have studied kabbalah for 10 years. My view is that Ein-Sof is the unified field and in a form of kabbalistic word play. I think that Ein-Sof should be thought of as a code for Einstein-Sofia, meaning a merger of science and ancient wisdom.

--- Thomas Love

--- tomrlove@earthlink.net

Dear Thomas Love:

Thank you for your kind words about my two books. I am very glad that you found them of interest. I find your ideas of great interest as well, as the connection between Kabbalah and modern science is an area that I am just beginning to explore. I would be very interested in hearing more about the Einstein connection, unified field theory, Pauli's interest in the Kabbalah and your book. Perhaps you would like to share something you have already written or published that I would post, fully credited, on the New Kabbalah website. After all, what you seem to be engaged in is precisely what I like to refer to as the "New Kabbalah."

In this connection I recently became aware of Martin Rees book Just Six Numbers, where he argues that six numerical values, describing (1) the strength of the forces which bind the nuclei of atoms, (2) the relationship between those binding atomic forces and the force of gravity between atoms, (3) the density of matter in the universe, (4) the strength of a previously unsuspected cosmic "anti-gravity," (5) the amplitude of irregularities in the expanding universe, and (6) the number of spatial dimensions in our cosmos, underlie the physical properties of our universe.

It made me think of how Vital in his Sefer Ez Chayyim speaks of "thousands upon thousands and myriads upon myriads" of worlds, an idea which the Kabbalist's linked to the midrashic myth of the innumerable worlds that were created and destroyed because they did not possess the proper balance of characteristics that could sustain them. The Zohar speaks of these worlds as "sparks of blackness" which like the sparks from a blacksmiths hammer striking the anvil "flared, shone, and then went out."

At any rate the six numbers seem to me to be something of an analog to Luria's notion of Tzimtzum: the contraction of the infinite in just such a manner that there is a balance of Chesed and Gevurah and other Sefirotic forces so as to permit the emergence of the created world. By the way while Rees seems to think that ours is the highest of worlds, most hospitable to life, the Kabbalists leave open the possibility of higher worlds, in which the Sefirot are arranged somewhat differently, but which permit a higher, more developed form of consciousness.

What are your thoughts on this?

Sanford Drob

Dr. Drob,


The connection between science and mysticism has been made in far too many books for me to mention them all, but I'll start:

The Tao of Science

The Tao of Physics

The Medium, the Mystic and the Physicist (Lawrence LeShan)

Quantum Questions (Ken Wilbur)

The Soul of the Universe (Gustaf Stromberg)

Science and Occultism (I.K. Taimni)

Pondering the reality behind the illusion of the world we live in is the job of the physicist. In just the same way as pondering a koan, or an obscure verse of scripture leads the mystic to an experience with God, so focusing on a question about nature leads the scientist to a mystical encounter with the mind of God. The is no difference between Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree and Newton sitting under the apple tree. Both sat in the presence of God.


--- Tom Love

--- tomrlove@earthlink.net

--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.


I just bought "Just Six Numbers", I'll get back to you with commentary.

--- Thomas Love

--- tomrlove@earthlink.net

The Lurianic Kabbalah is treated in detail in Sanford Drob's Symbols of the Kabbalah and Kabbalistic Metaphors .

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All material on New Kabbalah website (c) Sanford L. Drob, 2001-4.


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